Apply to study

Start your student journey with us today. On this page you will find details about the application for admissions process, important resources you should review before applying and ways to contact our team to start your application.

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How to apply


Future students can use the following application process as a brief outline of what they can expect while applying for Apex Australia. For any further information students should either consult their agent or the Apex Australia Higher Education Admissions Officer at

Contact Agent

Students are encouraged to contact one of the approved Apex Australia agents, from the list provided below, to gain a better understanding of Apex Australia’s offerings and receive assistance throughout the application process. Although students may enrol directly into Apex Australia, it is recommended that students consult with an agent to ensure an efficient and successful application process.

Apex Australia Higher Education Agents

Step 1:

Prospective students should familiarise themselves with Apex Australia by exploring this website.

Students should read information about the course: Bachelor of Information Systems

Bachelor of Information Systems Course Information

Students should read information about the course: Bachelor of Business

Bachelor of Business Course Information

Students should read information about the course: Master of Information Systems

Master of Information Systems Course Information

Step 2:

Prospective students should ensure that they meet Apex Australia’s Admission Criteria.

Admission Criteria

Step 3:

Prospective students should then either:

Prospective students should note that we will need to receive original or certified copies of evidence to demonstrate that an applicant meets entry requirements. This includes:

  • Certified evidence of date of birth
  • Copy of passport details (for international students)
  • Copy of English language test/evidence of English language proficiency (if applicable)

Step 4:

Apex Australia will review your application. Prospective students who meet the admission criteria, and competitive merit requirements will receive a letter of offer

Step 5:

Following receipt of their confirmation of enrolment, the student must apply for a student visa. Information on how to apply for a visa can be found here.

Step 6:

If a student accepts their offer, we will contact them to begin the process of enrolment. Once a student is enrolled, they will receive confirmation of their enrolment.

Credit for Prior Learning

Apex Higher Education recognises that some students may have prior learning experiences and should not be required to repeat equivalent learning successfully undertaken in another context. This is in accordance with AQF Qualifications Pathways Policy under the AQF Qualifications Framework. Accordingly, Apex Australia has developed guidelines to grant credit towards a course at Apex Australia based on prior learning, whether from formal studies or professional work experience. This is also to maximise the credit students can gain for learning already undertaken, while preserving the integrity of learning outcomes of the course at Apex Australia.

a) Credit will normally only be granted for relevant formal study completed within ten (10) years prior to application for an AHE Course. This may be less for specific courses as approved by the AB and details will be provided in the relevant publicly available course information.

  • Formal study completed more than ten (10) years prior to application for an AHE Course will not be eligible unless there is evidence of continued relevance of this study for the applied AHE Course.

b) Credit may be granted for the successful completion (a passing grade or higher) of formal studies at the appropriate AQF level, including:

  • Units of study which form part of an accredited course provided by a recognised tertiary institution.
  • Non-award courses offered by a recognised tertiary institution (higher than AQF Level 5).
  • Accredited courses at AQF Level 5 and above awarded by a registered tertiary institution.
  • Courses provided by a professional association or other similar body.
  • Where there is substantial overlap with content and/or learning outcomes of AHE units of study in the Course for which credit is claimed.
  • Where the volume of learning is similar to, or exceeds, that of the AHE unit.
  • Upon approval by the Academic Board (AB), specific AHE postgraduate courses may permit the awarding of up to four (4) units of specified or non-specified credit based upon units successfully completed within a cognate bachelors’ level degree.
  • This is course specific, and details will be provided in the relevant publicly available course information.

c) When assessing credit for formal studies the criteria below will be considered:

  • The educational practices and standards of the external tertiary institution or any accreditation obtained by such tertiary institution that may be relevant to the AHE Course.
  • The objectives of the prior studies and the methods adopted by the external tertiary institution to achieve those objectives.
  • Admission requirements for the external course.
  • The duration of the external course, entry requirements, course objectives.
  • Methods of assessment.
  • Learning outcomes of the course, and unit / subject learning outcome.
  • Volume of learning for the course and the unit.
  • Content of study.
  • Course and program AQF level.
  • Credit point weighting of the unit/subject in the context of the course.
  • Any other relevant criteria.

d) As a guide, the AQF Qualifications Pathways Policy for the quantum of credit granted to students towards undergraduate higher level AQF qualifications in the same or related discipline are as follows:

  • Up to 50% credit for an Advanced Diploma or Associate Degree linked to a 3-year Bachelor’s Degree.
  • Up to 37.5% credit for an Advanced Diploma or Associate Degree linked to a 4-year Bachelor’s Degree.
  • Up to 33% credit for a Diploma linked to a 3-year Bachelor Degree.
  • Up to 25% credit for a Diploma linked to a 4-year Bachelor Degree.

e) Normally, recognition of credit from prior learning (or RPL) from prior formal studies will only be granted toward the first and / or second year of bachelor level courses (100-level and 200-level) units.

a) Credit may be granted for prior work experience where learning can be documented to the satisfaction of the CC. The onus shall be on the applicant to provide the appropriate evidence to demonstrate the relevant skills, knowledge and understanding (see below).

b) If applicable, recognition of credit from prior learning (or RPL) from prior work experience will normally only be granted toward first year units of the course the student applied for.

c) Evidence required to be submitted include (but is not limited to):

  • A full description of the position, role(s) / activities, and performance outcomes.
  • Employment letter (on business letterhead) including any written references.
  • Current full CV.
  • Evidence that the work experience was equivalent to at least two (2) years full time (paid or volunteer positions) work within the past five (5) years.
  • Evidence of work completed: pay slips; report of performance reviews; involvement in professional associations or development; evidence of work produced e.g., Presentations and collaborations.
  • Any other evidence that the applicant sees fit to demonstrate the existence and relevance of the work experience toward the credit sought.
  • In some cases, students may be required to undertake a challenge test to further demonstrate their prior learning.

a) Credit may be granted for units of study completed at AHE toward another AHE course upon receipt of an RPL application from the student.

b) Credit will be granted for those units of study already undertaken which form part of the Course at AHE to which the student is transferring and the grade achieved in the unit will be assigned to the new course.

c) The maximum credit that can be granted in these circumstances is not limited.

Credit for Recognition of Prior Learning Application Form

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